
H335 223 subsonic
H335 223 subsonic

h335 223 subsonic

22 Hornet responds nicely to reduced-velocity loadings for duplicating the performance of the. Actual weight of the rifle is 6.75 pounds, and suggested retail price is $1,069. The bedding of the rifle is much improved over the first one I shot back in 1994. The 18.5-inch barrel measures 0.750 inch at its muzzle, and it has a 1:14 twist. The six-round rotary magazine has an interior length of 1.80 inches. Length of pull is 13.5 inches, and overall length is 37.75 inches. The stock has quick-detach sling-swivel posts and a thin rubber buttpad. The production Ruger Model 77/22 I used is the current heavy-barrel version with a stainless-steel barreled action and Green Mountain stock of laminated wood. 22 Hornet varmint handloads include Berger’s 30-grain Varmint HP, Speer’s 33-grain Hornet HP, Nosler’s 35-grain Flat Base Tipped, Speer’s 40-grain Spirepoint, and Hornady’s 45-grain Hornet. I included it because thousands of rifles sharing its combination of 0.224-inch groove diameter and 1:16 twist are still in use. If the ghosts of prairie dogs taken by the little rifle through the years could somehow rise up from their graves and bark in concert, the earth would surely tremble. The action was glass bedded, and headspace was reduced by shimming the bolt to remove some of the slop between its front and rear sections. Its Lilja stainless-steel barrel is 20.75 inches long and measures 0.920 inch at the muzzle. One of the rifles I used to shoot data for this report is a Ruger 77/22H customized in 1995 by the late Jim Clark Jr. Cooper rifles have a 1:12 twist, and CZ rifles have a 1:16 twist. 22 Hornet now being built by Ruger, Anschutz, and Savage have 1:14 twists. My Kimber Model 82 Super America built in 1985 has it, while my Anschutz 1730, also built during the 1980s, has a 1:16 twist. A quicker 1:14 twist eventually became more or less standard for the. The groove diameter of later rifles is 0.224 inch. 22 Hornet have a 0.223-inch groove diameter and a 1:16 twist. The barrels of Winchester Model 54 and Model 70 rifles in. 22 Hornet and other small-capacity cartridges. 6½ Small Rifle primer was developed specifically for the. 22 WCF (left), which was originally loaded with blackpowder and a lead bullet.

h335 223 subsonic

22 Hornet (right) is a smokeless powder version of the. 22 Hornet case was eventually beefed-up a bit to strengthen it, and due to the reduction in capacity, some of the early load data is excessive for today’s cases. 22 WCF cases was changed to read “.22 Hornet,” and it was loaded with 0.223-inch jacketed bullets. 22 WCF stayed in production until 1935, but when Winchester decided to introduce a “new” varmint cartridge in 1930, the headstamp on.

H335 223 subsonic